Peachtree Creek - Union |
Hinweise |
MG = Major General |
BG = Brigadier General |
Col = Colonel |
Ltc = Lieutenant Colonel |
Maj = Major |
Cpt = Captain |
Lieut = Lieutenant |
Army of the Cumberland - MG George Henry Thomas |
IV Corps - MG Oliver O. Howard |
Divisionen |
Brigaden |
Regimenter |
XIV Corps - MG John M. Palmer |
Divisionen |
Brigaden |
Regimenter |
XX Corps - MG Joseph Hooker |
Eskorte: 15th Illinois Cavalry, Company K, Capt. William Duncan |
Divisionen |
Brigaden |
Regimenter |
3rd Brigade Col James S. Robinson |
Artillery Cpt John D. Woodbury |
John W. Geary |
1st Brigade Col Charles Candy |
2nd Brigade Col Patrick H. Jones |
3rd Brigade Col David Ireland / Col George A. Cobham, Jr. |
1st Brigade Col Benjamin Harrison |
2nd Brigade Col John Coburn |
3rd Brigade Col James Wood |
Artillery Cpt Marco B. Gary |
Unattached Units |
Reserve Brigade Col Joseph W. Burke / Col Heber Le Favour |
Pontoniers Col George P. Buell |
- 58th Indiana: Ltc. Joseph Moore |
Siege Artillery Cpt Arnold Sutermeister |
- 11th Indiana Battery |
Fotos, Texte, Grafiken: JHreisen - Wikipedia - Library of Congress / Daten und Links ohne Gewähr (02.2024) |