New York State Monument (National Cemetery)


Das Monument wurde am 2.Juli 1893 auf dem Nationalfriedhof eingeweiht. Es besteht aus "Hallowell"-Granit und ist über 30 m hoch. Die Figur und auch die Tafeln wurden von dem Künstler Casper Buberl gestaltet. Auf der Spitze der Säule befindet sich eine 5 m hohe Statue, die den Staat New York repräsentiert. Die Statue stellt eine Frau dar, die einen Kranz auf einem Grab niederlegt. Die Figur weint um die 6.700 Soldaten aus New York, die hier ín den drei Tagen fielen. An der Säule befinden sich mehrere Bronzetafeln. Das Bronzerelief, welche unten um die ganze Säule herumläuft, zeigt 4 verschiedene Szenen aus den Kämpfen: den Tod von General Reynolds, die Verwundung von General Hancock, die Verwundung von General Sickles und auch den Kriegsrat von General Slocum. Die Tafeln an der Basis des Monuments führen alle Offiziere aus New York auf, die hier fielen oder tödlich verwundet wurden. Zudem findet man die Symbole aller Armee-Korps und der 4 Armeezweige auf der Vorderseite des Monuments.


Bronze-Tafel (Vorderseite)

To the officers and soldiers of the State of New York
who fell in the Battle of Gettysburg, July 1, 2, 3, 1863
many of whom are here buried this monument is
erected by a greatful commonwealth.

Official return of casualties in the New York commands:
Killed: 82 officers, 912 enlisted men.
Wounded: 306 officers, 3763 enlisted men.
Captured or missing: 68 officers, 1685 enlisted men.

Bronze-Tafeln (Rückseite)

Officers from the State of New York in United States Service
who were killed or mortally wounded at Gettysburg
July 1, 2, 3, 1863

General Officers

Bvt. Major Genl. Samuel K. Zook  / Brig. Genl. Stephen H. Weed

8th N.Y. Cavalry

Capt. Charles D. Follett

2nd N.Y. Battery

Lieut. F.J.T. Blume

14th N.Y. Battery

Capt. James McKay Rorty

3rd U.S. Artillery

Lieut. Manning Livingston

4th U.S. Artillery

Lieut. Alonzo H. Cushing, Lieut. Bayard Wilkeson

11th U.S. Infntry

Lieut. Amaziah J. Barber

12th U.S. Infantry

Lieut. Silas A. Miller

39th N.Y. Infantry

Lieut. Theordore Pausch, Lieut. Adolph Wagner

40th N.Y. infantry

Lieut. William H.H, Johnson

41st N.Y. Infantry

Lieut. Rhinehold Winzer

43rd N.Y. Infantry

Capt. William H. Gilfillan

44th N.Y. Infantry

Capt. Lucius S. Larrabee, Lieut. Eugene L. Dunham, Lieut. Benjamin N. Thomas

52nd N.Y. Infantry

Major Edward Venuti

58th N.Y. Infantry

Capt. Gustave Stoldt, Capt. Edward Antonieski, Lieut. Louis Deitrich

59th N.Y. Infantry

Lt. Colonel Max A. Thoman, Lieut. William H. Pohlman

60th N.Y. Infantry

Lieut. Myron D. Stanley

61st N.Y. Infantry

Lieut. Franklin K. Garland

64th N.Y. Infantry

Capt. Henry V. Fuller, Lieut. Alfred H. Lewis, Lieut. Willis C. Babcock, Lieut. Ira S. Thurber

66th N.Y. Infantry

Capt. George H. Inge, Capt. Elijah F. Munn

68th N.Y. Infantry

Capt. Otto Friedrich

71st N.Y. Infantry

Lieut. Andrew W. Estes

72nd N.Y. Infantry

Lieut. Charles A. Foss

73rd N.Y. Infantry

Capt. Eugene C. Shine, Lieut. Wiliam L. Herbert, Lieut. James Marksman, Lieut. George P. Dennen, Lieut. Martin E. Higgins

74th N.Y. Infantry

Capt. William H. Chester

76th N.Y. Infantry

Major Andrew J. Grover, Capt. Robert B. Everett, Capt. Robert Story, Lieut. Philip Keeler, Lieut. Robert C. Noxon

80th N.Y. Infantry

Capt. Joseph S. Corbin, Capt. Ambrose N. Baldwin, Lieut. George W. Brankstone

82nd N.Y. Infantry

Lt. Colonel James Huston, Capt. Jonah C. Hoyt, Lieut. John H. McDonald, Lieut. John Cranston

83rd N.Y. Infantry

Capt. Thomas W. Quirk, Lieut. Charles A. Clark

86th N.Y. Infantry

Capt. John N. Warner

88th N.Y. Infantry

Lieut. William McClelland

97th N.Y. Infantry

Lieut. Rush P. Cady, Lieut. William J. Morrin, Lieut. James H. Styles

102nd N.Y. Infantry

Capt. John Mead, Lieut. Josiah V. Upham

104th N.Y. Infantry

Lieut. Thomas Johnston

108th N.Y. Infantry

Lieut. Carl V. Amiet, Lieut. Dayton T. Card, Lieut. Robert Evans

111th N.Y. Infantry

Lieut. John H. Drake, Lieut. Augustus W. Proseus, Lieut Erastus M. Granger

119th N.Y. Infantry

Capt. Otto Trumpelman, Lieut. Emil Frost, Lieut. Matthias Roseman

120th N.Y. Infantry

Capt. Ayres C. Barker, Capt. Lansing Hollister, Lieut. Michael E. Creighton, Lieut. Jason Carle, Lieut. William J. Cockburn, Lieut. John R. Burhans, Lieut. Frederick Freelewick, Lieut. Edward H. Ketchum

123rd N.Y. Infantry

Capt. Norman F. Weer

124th N.Y. Infantry

Colonel A. Van Horn Ellis, Major James Cromwell, Capt. Isaac Nichols, Lieut. J. Milnor Brown

125th N.Y. Infantry

Colonel George L. Willard, Capt. Ephraim Wood

126th N.Y. Infantry

Colonel Eliakim Sherrill, Capt. Isaac Shimer, Capt. Orin J. Herendeen, Capt. Charles M. Wheeler, Lieut. Jacob Sherman, Lieut. Rufus P. Holmes

134th N.Y. Infantry

Lieut. Henry I. Palmer, Lieut. Lucius Mead

137th N.Y. Infantry

Capt. Oscar C. Williams, Capt. Joseph H. Gregg, Lieut. John H. Van Emburgh, Lieut. Henry C. Hellett

140th N.Y. Infantry

Colonel Patrick H. O'Rorke, Lieut. Charles P. Klein, Lieut. Hugh McGraw

147th N.Y. Infantry

Lieut. William P. Schenck, Lieut. David C. Van Dusen, Lieut. Sylvester J. Taylor, Lieut. Guilford D. Mace, Lieut. Daniel McAssy

157th N.Y. Infantry

Lieut. Colonel George Arrowsmith, Capt. Jason K. Backus, Capt. Harrison Frank, Capt. George A. Adams, Lieut. Joseph F. Henry, Lieut. Randall D. Lower

1st U.S. Sharpshooters

Capt. Charles D. McLean

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