US - Army of the Potomac

ARMY HEADQUARTERS - Maj. Gen. George G. Meade

Maj. Gen. Daniel Butterfield
chief of staff

Brig. Gen. Marsena R. Patrick
provost marshall general

Dr. Jonathan Letterman
medical director

Brig. Gen. G.K. Warren
chief of engineers

Brig. Gen. Seth Williams
assistant adjutant general

Capt. Lemuel B. Norton
chief signal officer

Brig. Gen. Henry J. Hunt
chief of artillery

Brig. Gen. Rufus Ingallis
chief quartermaster

Lt. John R. Edie
acting chief ordnance officer

Command of the Provost Marshal General

2nd Pennsylvania Cavalry
6th Pennsylvania Cavalry, Companies E and I
Regular cavalry (detachments from 1st, 2nd, 5th, and 6th Regiments)

I. CORPS  - (Maj. Gen. John F. Reynolds  / Maj. Gen. Abner Doubleday)

General Headquarters - 1st Maine Cavalry, Company L

First Division
(Brig. Gen. James S. Wadworth)

Second Division
(Brig. Gen. John C. Robinson)

Third Division 
(Brig. Gen. Thomas A. Rowley / Maj. Gen. Abner Doubleday)

1st Brigade (BG Solomon Meredith)

1st Brigade (BG Gabriel R. Paul)

1st Brigade (Col. Chapman Biddle / 
BG Thomas A. Rowley)

19th Indiana
24th Michigan
2nd Wisconsin
6th Wisconsin
7th Wisconsin

16th Maine
13th Massachusetts
94th New York
104th New York
107th Pennsylvania

80th New York (20th Militia)
121st Pennsylvania
142nd Pennsylvania
151st Pennsylvania

2nd Brigade (BG Lysander Cutler)

2nd Brigade (BG Henry Baxter)

2nd Brigade (Col. Roy Stone)

7th Indiana
76th New York
84th New York (14th Militia)
95th New York
147th New York
56th Pennsylvania

12th Massachusetts
83rd New York (9th Militia)
97th New York
11th Pennsylvania
88th Pennsylvania
90th Pennsylvania

143rd Pennsylvania
149th Pennsylvania
150th Pennsylvania

3rd Brigade (BG George J. Stannard)

13th Vermont
14th Vermont
16th Vermont

I Corps Artillery Brigade (Col. Charles S. Wainwright)

Maine Light, 2nd Battery (B)
Maine Light, 5th Battery (E)

1st New York Light, Battery L and E
1st Pennsylvania Light, Battery B
4th United States, Battery B

II. CORPS - (Maj. Gen. Winfield S. Hancock / Brig. Gen. John Gibbon)
General Headquarters - 6th New York Cavalry, Companies D and K

First Division
(Brig. Gen. John C. Caldwell)

Second Division
(Brig. Gen. John Gibbon / Brig. Gen. William Harrow)

Third Division
(Brig. Gen. Alexander Hays)

1st Brigade (Col. Edward E. Cross)

1st Brigade
(BG Wm Harrow/Col. Francis E. Heath)

1st Brigade (Col. Samuel S. Carroll)

5th New Hampshire
61st New York
81st Pennsylvania
148th Pennsylvania

19th Maine
15th Massachusetts
1st Minnesota / 2nd Co Sharpshooters
82nd New York (2nd Militia)

14th Indiana
4th Ohio
8th Ohio
7th West Virginia

2nd Brigade (Col. Patrick Kelly)

2nd Brigade (Brig. Gen. Alexander S. Webb)

2nd Brigade (Col. Thomas A. Smyth)

28th Massachusetts
63rd New York
69th New York
88th New York
116th Pennsylvania

69th Pennsylvania
71st Pennsylvania
72nd Pennsylvania
106th Pennsylvania

14th Connecticut
1st Delaware
12th New Jersey
10th New York (battalion
108th New York

3nd Brigade (Brig. Gen. Samuel K. Zook)

3rd Brigade (Col. Norman J. Hall)

3rd Brigade (Col. George L. Willard)

52nd New York
57th New York
66th New York
140th Pennsylvania

19th Massachusetts
20th Massachusetts
7th Michigan
42nd New York
59th New York

39th New York (4 companies)
111th New York
125th New York
126th New York

4th Brigade (Col. John R. Brooke)

27th Connecticut (two companies)
2th Delaware
64th New York
53rd Pennsylvania
145th Pennsylvania (seven companies)

II Corps Artillery Brigade (Capt. John G. Hazard)

1st New York Light, Battery B and 14th New York Battery
1st Rhode Island Light, Battery A

1st Rhode Island Light, Battery B
1st United States, Battery I
4th United States, Battery A

III. CORPS - (Maj. Gen. Daniel E. Sickles / Maj. Gen. David B. Birney)

First Division
(Maj. Gen. David B. Birney / Brig. Gen. J.H. Hobart Ward)

Second Division
(Brig. Gen. Andrew A. Humphreys)


1st Brigade (Brig. Gen. Charles K. Graham)

1st Brigade (Brig. Gen. Joseph B. Carr)

57th Pennsylvania
63rd Pennsylvania
68th Pennsylvania
105th Pennsylvania, Co. E
114th Pennsylvania
141st Pennsylvania

1st Massachusetts
11th Massachusetts
16th Massachusetts
12th New Hampshire
11th New Jersey
26th Pennsylvania

2nd Brigade (Brig. Gen. J.H. Hobart Ward / Col. Hiram Berdan)

2nd Brigade (Col. William R. Brewster)

20th Indiana
3rd Maine
4th Maine
86th New York
124th New York
99th Pennsylvania
1st US Sharpshooters
2nd US Sharpshooters (eight companies)

70th New York
71st New York
72nd New York
73rd New York
74th New York
120th New York

3rd Brigade (Col. P. Regis De Trobriand)

3rd Brigade (Col. George C. Burling)

17th Maine
3rd Michigan
5th Michigan
40th New York
110th Pennsylvania (six companies)

2nd New Hampshire
5th New Jersey
6th New Jersey
7th New Jersey
8th New Jersey
115th Pennsylvania

III Corps Artillery Brigade (Capt. George E. Randolph)

New Jersey Light, 2nd Battery
1st New York Light

New York Light, 4th Battery
1st Rhode Island Light, Battery E
4th United States, Battery K

V. CORPS - (Maj. Gen. George Sykes)
General Headquarters
- 12th New York Infantry, Companies D and E, 17th Pennsylvania Cavalry, Companies D and H

First Division
(Brig. Gen. James Barnes)

Second Division
(Brig. Gen. Romeyn B. Ayres)

Third Division
(Brig. Gen. Samuel W. Crawford)

 1st Brigade (Col. William S. Tilton)

1st Brigade (Col. Hannibal Day)

1st Brigade (Col. William McCandless)

18th Massachusetts
22nd Massachusetts
1st Michigan
118th Pennsylvania

3rd US (six companies)
4th US (four companies)
6th US (five companies)
12th US (eight companies)
14th US (eight companies)

1st Pennsylvania (nine companies)
2nd Pennsylvania
6th Pennsylvania
13th Pennsylvania

2nd Brigade (Col. Jacob B. Sweitzer)

2nd Brigade (Col. Sidney Burbank)

3rd Brigade (Col. Joseph W. Fisher)

9th Massachusetts
32nd Massachusetts
4th Michigan
62nd Pennsylvania

2nd US (six companies)
7th US (four companies)
10th US (three companies)
11th US (six companies)
17th US (seven companies)

5th Pennsylvania
9th Pennsylvania
10th Pennsylvania
11th Pennsylvania
12th Pennsylvania



3rd Brigade (Col. Strong Vincent / Col. James C. Rice)

3rd Brigade (Brig. Gen. Stephen H. Weed)

20th Maine (Infos)
16th Michigan
44th New York
83rd Pennsylvania

140th New York
146th New York
91st Pennsylvania
155th Pennsylvania

V Corps Artillery Brigade (Capt. Augustus P. Martin)

Massachusetts Light, 3rd Battery (C)
1st New York Light, Battery C

1st Ohio Light, Battery L
5th United States, Battery D
5th United States, Battery I

VI. CORPS - (Maj. Gen. John Sedgwick)
General Headquarters - 1st New Jersey Cavalry, Company L, 1st Pennsylvania Cavalry, Company H

First Division
(Brig. Gen. Horatio G. Wright)
Provost Guard - 4th NJ (three companies)

Second Division
(Brig. Gen. Albion P. Howe)

Third Division
(Maj. Gen. John Newton)

1st Brigade (Brig. Gen. A.T.A. Torbet)

2nd Brigade (Col. Lewis A. Grant)

1st Brigade (Brig. Gen. Alexander Shaler)

1st New Jersey
2nd New Jersey
3rd New Jersey
15th New Jersey

2nd Vermont
3rd Vermont
4th Vermont
5th Vermont
6th Vermont

65th New York
67th New York
122nd New York
23rd Pennsylvania
82nd Pennsylvania

2nd Brigade (Brig. Gen. Joseph J. Bartlett)

3rd Brigade (Brig. Gen. Thomas H. Neill)

2rd Brigade (Col. Henry L. Eustis)

5th Maine
121st New York
95th Pennsylvania
96th Pennsylvania

7th Maine (six companies)
33rd New York (detachment)
43rd New York
49th New York
77th New York
61st Pennsylvania


7th Massachusetts
10th Massachusetts
37th Massachusetts
2nd Rhode Island

3rd Brigade (Brig. Gen. David A. Russell)

3rd Brigade (Brig. Gen. Frank Wheaton)

6th Maine
49th Pennsylvania (four companies)
119th Pennsylvania
5th Wisconsin

62nd New York
93rd Pennsylvania
98th Pennsylvania
139th Pennsylvania

VI Corps Artillery Brigade (Col. Charles H. Thompkins)

Massachusetts Light, 1st Battery (A)
New York Light, 1st Battery
New York Light, 3rd Battery
1st Rhode Island Light, Battery C

1st Rhode Island Light, Battery G
2nd United States, Battery D
2nd United States, Battery G
5th United States, Battery F

XI. CORPS - (Maj. Gen. Oliver O. Howard)
General Headquarters - 1st Indiana Cavalry, Companies I and K, 8th New York Infantry (one company)

First Division
(Brig. Gen. Francis C. Barlow)

Second Division
(Brig. Gen. Adolph von Steinwehr)

Third Division
(Maj. Gen. Carl Schurz)

1st Brigade (Col. Leopold Von Gilsa)

1st Brigade (Col. Charles R. Coster)

1st Brigade (BG Alexander Schimmelfennig)

41st New York
54th New York
68th New York
153rd Pennsylvania

134th New York
154th New York
27th Pennsylvania
73rd Pennsylvania

82nd Illinois
45th New York
157th New York
122nd New York
61st Ohio
74th Pennsylvania

2nd Brigade (Brig. Gen. Adelbert Ames)

2nd Brigade (Col. Orland Smith)

2rd Brigade (Col. W. Krzyzanowski)

17th Connecticut
25th Ohio
75th Ohio
107th Ohio

33rd Massachusetts
136th New York
55th Ohio
73rd Ohio

58th New York
119th New York
82nd Ohio
75th Pennsylvania
26th Wisconsin

XI Corps Artillery Brigade (Maj. Thomas W. Osborn)

1st New York Light, Battery I
New York Light, 13th Battery

1st Ohio Light, Battery I
1st Ohio Light, Battery K
4th United States, Battery G

XII. CORPS - (Maj. Gen. Henry W. Slocum)
Provost Guard - 10th Maine (four companies)

First Division
(Brig. Gen. Alpheus S. Williams)

Second Division
(Brig. Gen. John W. Geary)


1st Brigade (Col. Archibald L. McDougall)

1st Brigade (Col. Charles Candy)

5th Connecticut
20th Connecticut
3rd Maryland
123rd New York
145th New York
46th Pennsylvania

5th Ohio
7th Ohio
29th Ohio
66th Ohio
28th Pennsylvania
147th Pennsylvania (eight companies)

2nd Brigade (Brig. Gen. Henry H. Lockwood)

2nd Brigade (Col. George A. Cobham, Jr.)

1st Maryland, Potomac Home Bde
1st Maryland, Eastern Shore
150th New York

29th Pennsylvania
109th Pennsylvania
111th Pennsylvania

3rd Brigade (Brig. Gen. Thomas H. Ruger)

3rd Brigade (Brig. Gen. George S. Greene)

27th Indiana
2nd Massachusetts
13th New Jersey
107th New York
3rd Wisconsin

60th New York
78th New York
102nd New York
137th New York
149th New York

XII Corps Artillery Brigade (Lt. Edward D. Muhlenberg)

1st New York Light, Battery M
Pennsylvania Light, Battery E

4th United States, Battery F
5th United States, Battery K

CAVALRY CORPS - (Maj. Gen. Alfred Pleasanton)

First Division - (Brig. Gen. John Buford)

Second Division
(Brig. Gen. David MCM. Gregg)

Third Division
(Brig. Gen. Judson Kilpatrick)
Headquarters Guard - 1st Ohio, Company C

1st Brigade (Col. William Gamble)

1st Brigade (Col. John B. McIntosh)

1st Brigade (Brig. Gen. Elon J. Farnsworth)

8th Illinois
12th Illinois
3rd Indiana
8th New York

1st Maryland (eleven companies)
Purnell (Maryland) Legion, Company A
1st Massachusetts
1st New Jersey
1st Pennsylvania
3rd Pennsylvania

5th New York
18th Pennsylvania
1st Vermont
1st West Virginia

2nd Brigade (Col. Thomas C. Devin)

3rd Brigade (Col. J. Irvin Gregg)

2nd Brigade (Brig. Gen. George A. Custer)

6th New York
9th New York
17th Pennsylvania
3rd West Virginia

1st Maine (ten companies)
10th New York
4th Pennsylvania
16th Pennsylvania

1st Michigan
5th Michigan
6th Michigan
7th Michigan

Reserve Brigade (Brig. Gen. Wesley Merritt)

6th Pennsylvania
1st United States
2nd United States
5th United States
6th United States


1st Brigade (Capt. James M. Robertson)

2nd Brigade (Capt. John C. Tidball)


9th Michigan Battery
6th New York Battery
2nd United States, Batteries B and L
2nd United States, Battery M
4th United States, Battery E

1st United States, Batteries E and G
1st United States, Battery K
2nd United States, Battery A

ARTILLERY RESERVE - (Brig. Gen. Robert O. Tyler)
Headquarters Guard - 32nd Massachusetts Infantry, Company C

1st Regular Brigade (Capt. Dunbar R. Ransom)

1st Volunteer Bgde (Lt. Col. Freeman McGilvery)

2nd Volunter Brigade (Capt. Elijah D. Taft)

1st United States, Battery H
3rd United States, Batteries F and K
4th United States, Battery C
5th United States, Battery C

Massachusetts Light, 5th Battery (E) and 10th New York Battery
Massachusetts Light, 9th Battery
New York Light, 15th Battery
Pennsylvania Light, Batteries C and F

Connecticut Light, 2nd Battery
New York Light, 5th Battery

3rd Volunteer Brigade (Capt. James F. Huntington)

4th Volunteer Brigade (Capt. Robert H. Fitzhugh)

Train Guard

New Hampshire Light, 1st Battery
1st Ohio Light, Battery H
1st Pennsylvania Light, Batteries F and G
West Virginia Light, Battery C

Maine Light, 6th Battery (F)
Maryland Light, Battery A
New Jersey Light, 1st Battery
1st New York Light, Battery G
1st New York Light, Battery K 
and 11th New York Battery

4th New Jersey Infantry (seven companies)

Quelle: Coddington, Edwin B. - The Gettysburg Campaign: A Study in Command (New York/Charles Scribner's Sons/1968)

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