Bücher - OSPREY VERLAG (englisch)


the souths first victory       
Author: Allan hankinson      
Publication Date: 1991      
ISBN: 1-85532-133-5      
Format: Paperback / Pages: 96      


Hampton Roads 1862 fair oaks 1862 shiloh 1862

Second Manassas 1862

CLASH OF THE IRONCLADS mc clellan's peninsula campaign the death of innocence

Robert E. lee's greatest victory

Author: Angus Konstam Author: Angus Konstam  author: James r. Arnold 

Author John Langellier 

Illustrator: Adam Hook Illustrator: steve noon  Illustrator: alan perry 

Illustrator: Mike Adams 

Publication Date: 25 Apr 2002 Publication Date: 17. dec 2003 publication date: 15. sep 1998 

Publication Date: 2002

ISBN: 978-1-84176-410-8 ISBN: 9781841766805 isbn: 9781855326064 

ISBN: 978-1-84176-230-2 

Format: Paperback / Pages: 96 Format: Paperback / Pages : 96 Format: paperback / Pages: 96  format: paperback / Pages: 96 
seven days battles ANTIETAM sheandoah valley fredericksburg
lee's defense of richmond  THE CIVIL WAR'S BLOODIEST DAY jackson outmaneuvers the union clear the way
Author: Angus Konstam Author: norman s. stevens Author: clayton + james donnell Author: carl smith
Illustrator: Stephen Walsh Illustrator:  Illustrator: adam hook Illustrator: adam hook
Publication Date:  Publication Date: 1994 Publication Date: 2013 Publication Date: 1999
ISBN: 978-1-84176-682-9 ISBN: 1-85532-370-2 ISBN: 978-1-78096-378-5 ISBN: 978-1-85532-841-9
Format: Paperback / Pages: 96 Format: Paperback / Pages: 96 Format: Paperback / Pages: 96 Format: Paperback / Pages: 96


Chattanooga 1863

Chancellorsville 1863

VICKSbURG 1863 gettysburg july 1



grant clears the mississippi confederate

Author: Mark Lardas 

Author: Carl Smith

Author: allan hankinson Authors: james arnold / roberta wiener

Illustrator: Adam Hook 

Illustrator: Adam Hook

Illustrator:  Illustrator: 

Publication Date: 16 Jun 2016 

Publication Date: 25 Sep 1998

Publication Date: 1993 Publication Date: 1998
isbn:  ISBN: 978-1-85532-721-4 ISBN: 1-85532-353-2 ISBN: 1-88532-834-8

Format: paperback / Pages: 96

format: Paperback / Pages: 96

Format: Paperback / Pages: 96 Format: Paperback / Pages: 96
gettysburg july 1 gettysburg july 2 gettysburg july 2 gettysburg july 3
union confederate union confederate 
Authors: james arnold / roberta wiener Authors: james arnold / roberta wiener Authors: james arnold / roberta Wiener Authors: james arnold / roberta wiener
Illustrator:  Illustrator:  Illustrator:  Illustrator: 
Publication Date: 1998 Publication Date: 2000 Publication Date: 2000 Publication Date: 2000
ISBN: 1-85532-833-x ISBN: 1-85532-855-0 ISBN: 1-85532-856-9 ISBN: 1-85532-860-7
Format: Paperback / Pages: 96 Format: Paperback / Pages: 96 Format: Paperback / Pages: 96 Format: Paperback / Pages: 96
brandy station chickamauga     
first step towards gettysburg the river of death     
Author: dan beattie author: James r. arnold     
Illustrator: adam hook illustrator:      
Publication Date: 2008 publication date:      
ISBN: 978-1-84603-304-9 isbn: 978-1-85532-263-9    
Format: Paperback / Pages: 96 format: Paperback / Pages: 91     


Sherman's March to the Sea 1864

Atlanta Nashville Petersburg


Sherman marches south from tennessee to the cumberland The longest siege

Author: David Smith

Author: james donnell

Author: mark lardas

Author: ron field

Illustrator: Richard Hook

Illustrator: steve noon

Illustrator: adam hook

Illustrator: peter dennis

Publication Date: 7 Feb 2007

Publication Date: 2016

Publication Date: 2017

Publication Date: 2009

isbn: 978-1-84603-035-2 isbn: 978-1-47281-153-0 isbn: 978-1-47281-982-6 isbn: 978-1-84603-355-1

Format: paperback / Pages: 96

Format: paperback / Pages: 96

Format: paperback / Pages: 96

Format: paperback / Pages: 96

shenandoah wilderness and spotsylvania    
Sheridan'S Valley Campaign grant versus lee in the east    

Author: mark lardas

Author: andy nunez


Illustrator: adam hook

Illustrator: peter dennis


Publication Date: 2014

Publication Date: 2014

isbn: 978-1-47280-483-9 isbn: 978-1-47280-147-0    

Format: paperback / Pages: 96

Format: paperback / Pages: 96



lee's last campaign      

Author: ron field


Illustrator: adam hook


Publication Date: 2015

isbn: 978-1-47280-751-9      

Format: paperback / Pages: 96



the iron brigade Mississippi River Gunboats  confederate submarines and torpedo vessels  the stonewall brigade 

Author: john selby

Author: angus konstam

Author: angus konstam

Author: john selby

Illustrator: michael Roffe

Illustrator: bryan tony

Illustrator: bryan tony

Illustrator: michael roffe

Publication Date: 1971

Publication Date: März 2002

Publication Date: 2004

Publication Date: 1971

isbn:  978-0-85045-054-5 isbn: 978-1-84176-413-9 isbn: 978-1-84176-720-8 isbn: 978-0-85045-052-1

Format: paperback / Pages: 48

Format: paperback / Pages: 48

Format: paperback / Pages: 48

Format: paperback / Pages: 50

Fotos, Texte, Grafiken, Infos: JHreisen - Wikipedia - OSPREY-Verlag / Daten und Links ohne Gewähr (02.2024)