
In allen Einheiten aus North Carolina dienten während des gesamten Bürgerkrieges 128.191 Soldaten. Davon fielen 40.635 in den Kämpfen. Die meisten Regimenter bestanden aus 1.500 Soldaten, einige wenige aus 1.800 Soldaten. In der Thomas Legion befanden sich über 2.500 Soldaten. Die Einheiten aus North Carolina nahmen an den meisten, größeren Schlachten teil und erlitten die großten Verluste eines einzelnen Bundesstaates. Auf fast allen größeren Schlachtfeldern wurden zum Gedenken größere Monumente errichtet (Gettysburg, links / Petersburg - Pamplin Historical Park, rechts).


1st Infantry

2nd Infantry

3rd Infantry

4th Infantry

5th Infantry

6th Infantry

7th Infantry

8th Infantry

11th (Bethel Regiment) Infantry

12th Infantry

13th Infantry

14th Infantry

15th Infantry

16th Infantry

17th Infantry

18th Infantry

20th Infantry (PDF)

21st Infantry

22nd Infantry

23rd Infantry

24th Infantry

25th Infantry

26th Infantry

27th Infantry

28th Infantry

29th Infantry

30th Infantry

31st Infantry

32nd Infantry

33rd Infantry

34th Infantry

35th Infantry

37th Infantry

38th Infantry

39th Infantry

42nd Infantry

43rd Infantry

44th Infantry

45th Infantry

46th Infantry

47th Infantry

48th Infantry

49th Infantry

50th Infantry

51st Infantry

52nd Infantry

53rd Infantry

54th Infantry

55th Infantry

56th Infantry

57th Infantry

58th Infantry

60th Infantry

61st Infantry

62nd Infantry

64th Infantry (11th Battalion, Allen's Regiment)

66th Infantry (8th Battalion, Partisan Rangers; 13th Battalion)

67th Infantry

68th Infantry

2nd Infantry Battalion

13th Infantry Battalion




1st Junior Reserves

2nd Junior Reserves

3rd Junior Reserves

1st Battalion, Junior Reserves

4th Battalion, Junior Reserves

7th Battalion, Junior Reserves

8th Battalion, Junior Reserves

4th Senior Reserves

5th Senior Reserves

6th Senior Reserves

7th Senior Reserves

8th Senior Reserves

McCorkle's Battalion, Senior Reserves




1st Cavalry (9th State Troops)

2nd Cavalry (19th State Troops)

3rd Cavalry (41st State Troops)

4th Cavalry (59th State Troops)

5th Cavalry (63rd State Troops)

6th Cavalry (65th State Troops)

5th Battalion, Cavalry

7th Battalion, Cavalry

12th Battalion, Cavalry

14th Battalion, Cavalry

15th Battalion, Cavalry, State Service

16th Battalion, Cavalry


1st Artillery (10th State Troops)

2nd Artillery (36th State Troops)

3rd Artillery (40th State Troops)

3rd Battalion, Light Artillery, (Company B, Edenton Bell Battery)

13th Battalion, Light Artillery

1st Battalion, Heavy Artillery

10th Battalion, Heavy Artillery




1st Detailed Men

2nd Conscripts

2nd Detailed Men

8th Battalion, Partisan Rangers

9th (1st) Battalion, Sharp Shooters

Bank's Company (Currituck Guard)

Bass' Company

Brown's Company

Conscripts, Unassigned

Cumberland County Battalion, Detailed Men

Doughton's Company (Alleghany Grays)

Galloway's Company, Coast Guards

Giddins Company (Detailed and Petitioned Men)

Hill's Battalion, Reserves

Home Guards

Howard's Company, Prison Guards

Jones' Company (Supporting Force)

Mallett's Company

Thomas' Legion

Mallett's Battalion (Camp Guard)

McDugald's Company

McLean's Battalion, Light Duty Men

McMillan's Company

McRae's Battalion, Cavalry


Moseley's Company (Sampson Artillery)

Townsend's Company (State Troops)

Wallace's Company (Wilmington Railroad Guard)

Lawrence's Company, Volunteers (Wilson Partisan Rangers)

Swindell's Company, Partisan Rangers

1st Regiment, Militia

33rd Militia

51st Militia

Clark's Special Battalion, Militia

Whitman's Company, 66th Battalion, Militia



2nd Battalion, Local Defense Troops

Allen's Company (Local Defense)

Cox's Company, Local Defense (Provost Guard, Kingston)

Croom's Company, Local Defense (Kingston Guards, Kingston Provost Guard)

Gibb's Company (Local Defense)

Griswold's Company, Local Defense (Provost Guard, Goldsboro)

Hoskins' Company (Local Defense)

Howard's Company (Local Defense), Cavalry

Lee's Company, Local Defense (Silver Greys)

Nelson's Company (Local Defense)

Snead's Company (Local Defense)



1. Wikipedia

2. Historical Times Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Civil War


Fotos, Texte, Grafiken: JHreisen - Wikipedia . NPS - Library of Congress u.a. / Daten und Links ohne Gewähr (02.2024)